Being a firefighter is a tough job. It is a job that takes an enormous amount of strength and agility. You never know what is going to happen when you are responding to a call. The number one reason for the death of firefighters while on duty is sudden cardiac death.
The Firefighter Fatalities in the US for 2018 report shows that on duty death rates have decreased over the last 40 years, the same goes for cardiac deaths as well, but the percentage of cardiac deaths has not changed significantly. In 1986 about 44.7% of firefighters on duty died from cardiac complications, and 39% in 2018.
Fighting fires is stressful; there is no doubt about that. How can firefighters protect themselves from cardiac arrest while on duty? There are two things a person can focus on to reduce their risk of heart problems; they are eating right and exercise.
What Do Firefighters Think
Firehouse magazine interviewed firefighters across the country on their opinions on overall firefighter health and how to improve it. The overwhelming response was that there is little accountability for firefighters to stay fit and eat healthfully. Many of the people interviewed felt that fire departments should at least hold members to fitness requirements.
Fitness Requirements
How is a firehouse supposed to go about implementing fitness requirement? The chief needs to get on board with a plan that will help to motivate and focus members on staying in shape. A great way to get started is to get a personal trainer involved.
They can help you to devise a circuit training plan and define specific purchases that you need to make to implement it. Once you have an idea, finding the equipment s the next step.
You will want to seek out equipment that can stand up to a lot of use. You will want to purchase commercial gym equipment. High-end gym equipment will be easiest on your budget if you buy refurbished or used.
Discount Online Fitness Equipment offers a wide range of refurbished commercial gym choices. You can choose from entire packages, strength, and cardio equipment. A thoughtful fire chief might even talk to the members in his or her house to find out what types of cardio they would enjoy doing.
Regardless of the program, you decide to run, the equipment from Discount Online Fitness is up to date, comes with free shipping, extended warranties, and financing is offered. What are you waiting for, got your firehouse in tip-top shape now? Give us a call at (888) 417-5306 or visit our website and get your fitness plan on a roll.