New & Used Gym Equipment – The Recipe for Success

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There is no doubt about it; gym equipment is expensive. Have you thought about combining used strength equipment with new cardio equipment? This is the perfect way to save a few dollars while keeping up with the latest trends.

Why New Cardio Equipment?

Competition for customers in the health and wellness industry is high. You need to save your pennies to do the best marketing possible, but you need to have the best equipment to draw and keep customers. Keeping up with the latest cardio trends can help your customer retention numbers.

Cardio equipment transforms at a faster rate than strength equipment. New technology to reduce joint impact, consoles that offer one on one training, or functionality with user wearables are some recent items added to cardio machines.

According to the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) the best way to attract and keep customers happy is to replace a few pieces of cardio equipment each year. Doing thing this way allows the club to keep up with replacement cost and repairs without having to borrow money. You want to avoid borrowing money because it will cost you more.

If you follow this formula and completely replace the cardio equipment in your gym over a five-year cycle the bones of your cardio equipment will be under warranty while you own it. Keeping cardio equipment for a short duration allows you to sell it to a refurbisher and seek further discounts through them.

Used Strength Equipment

The reason that it is OK to keep your strength equipment around; as long as it is clean and well maintained, is that there are generally no motorized parts or other features affected by technology updates. You may have to purchase accessories like chains, medicine balls, kettlebells, etc. to keep up with the current trends, but the cost of these are minimal when compared to up-to-date cardio equipment.

If you notice that some of your strength equipment could use an update, check out used equipment from a dealer that offers serviced pieces from gyms that have closed down. These items will appear to be new and have been tested.

Your used strength equipment should come with a warranty that lasts around a month. This way you have enough time to test the equipment for yourself before you are denied a return.

If you are thinking about equipment updates head on over to the Discount Online Fitness equipment site, to see the savings we can offer you today. Discount Online Fitness will work with you to save money and time, by working with you from purchase to equipment installation.