
Joe Gonzalez

Education: R.L. Turner High School & Angelo State University
Career Snap Shot: Personal Trainer & Fitness Equipment Consultant 2002-Present
Favorite Projects: Helping customers with personally owned gyms.
Accolades in Industry: Have built an extensive portfolio.
Accolades outside Industry: Humanitarian Projects
Favorite Quote: Live life according to your heart’s desires. If you’re not living according to your heart’s desires, you’re not living at all.
Hobbies/Interest: World Travel, Water Sports, Anything Outdoors, Spiritual Enlightenment
Languages Spoken: English & Spanish
Favorite Fitness/Sports/Wellness Activity: Muay Thai, Beach Volleyball
Certifications: ACSM Certified

John Mathias

Bachelor of Science- University of Texas at Dallas
Previous Undergraduate Studies- Texas A&M University

Work History:
Started Fitness career in the 1980’s with Universal Gym Equipment Distributor for Texas- Texas Fitness Company. Commercial Sales and Installation.
Haden Industries- Commercial and Consumer Sales in addition to operating two Specialty Fitness stores in North Dallas and Northeast Ft. Worth.
Pacer Treadmill Manufacturing Company- Eastern United States Regional Sales Manager responsible for Dealer and Direct sales east of the Mississippi.
Fitness Equipment International- National Commercial Equipment Sales- New and Preowned Equipment
Fitness Clearinghouse-National Commercial Equipment Sales- New and Preowned Equipment.
Fit Supply/Discount Online Fitness- National Commercial Equipment Sales- New and Preowned Equipment.

A top Sales Producer at every stop along the way.
Very important to find the right mix of products at a fair price for each customer. “Let’s build a long term relationship based on trust and customer satisfaction!”

Hobbies/ Interests:
Dog Lover – Dog Rescue and Fostering – Walking the dogs.
Working out- trying new ideas and methods
Camp Gladiator
College and Professional Football Enthusiast.
Meeting new people- developing friendships.

Ace and Nautilus Personal Trainer Certifications

Lance Schilling

Career Snap Shot: (work history)
2017- current Host of Behind The Pump Texas Bodybuilding Media show
2011-current Contest prep coach
2014-2018 gym owner
2015- current gym consultant
2009-2011 medical sales

Favorite Projects: Camp Hero Fitness 2012, BodyShop Training Center 2014, Empire Fitness 2016, 180 Culture gym Southlake

Accolades in Industry: 2009 Bantamweight Legacy MMA title holding champion
2013 6th Mr. USA
5x Physique runner up
2016 Southwest USA Champion
2016 Texas NPC Trainer of The Year

Accolades outside Industry:
2005 published poet
3x state wrestling Champion
National Wrestling Champion

Favorite Quote: “if you can do the right thing during the wrong emotion, anything is possible”

Spending time with my daughter and family
Outdoor activities

Favorite Fitness/Sports/Wellness activity: hardcore weight training

Certifications: NASM, EC Design